No Kazuha banner announced as of 9/11/2023. | Current Banners: πŸ†• In the Name of the Rosula (Navia) & πŸ” The Heron's Court (Ayaka)

🍁Should I Pull?🍁

tldr; follow your heart


I am not kidding with that subtitle. Play how you want. Get the characters you love. Genshin is a PvE game and if someone is critiquing your characters or builds and you didn't ask for their input, they are being rude and you don't have to play with them. Beyond that, here is some general advice for when you're picking the next character to save for.

What is your goal?

Do you want to explore every inch of the map? Do you want to 36⭐ the Abyss every time? Do you want to get all the small characters and terrorize Teyvat with bombs and Muji-Muji Daruma? Genshin is a very open game and you can play how you want, so it's good to have a goal in mind when picking your characters. This will help you determine if a character will help you get closer to that goal or whether you should save your hard won primos for another.

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