
ADHD Things

Here's some things (apps, books, etc) that helped me while I was trying to adult before my ADHD diagnosis. Maybe some of this will help you? I linked the the specific things I use, but also described why they're helpful so that you can find your own products that can help solve the same problems.

Digital Stuff

  • Habitica: A habit tracker and to-do list with a pixel art style and RPG mechanics. The phone app can add reminders to your Dailies to help create a routine. Party up with friends if you need extra accountablity.
  • Pomofocus: An online pomodoro timer. I like setting the timer to continue automatically between breaks and focus because I will forget to hit the button to switch between them.
  • hoopla and Libby: Digital media from your local library, including ebooks, audio books, movies, and music. Great for when you want extra audio stim for no money. Many libraries have other resources available, such as tool borrowing and seed exchanges.
dividing line of sunflowers


  • You Need a Budget: A money management method where you only budget what you have based on your own priorities. Also has an app and a YouTube channel that helps with clarifying the rules.
  • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: A way to organize and interact with your physical space that respects your feelings. Also has a comic version.
dividing line of sunflowers

Physical Stuff

  • Jibun Techo: A paper planner with a weekly layout that had a 24-hour timeline for each day. Helpful for time blindness and for capturing thoughts and to-do's throughout the day. Can be decorated to increase aesthetic interest.
  • Waterbottle with time marker: A water bottle that has hourly markers on one side. Helps with time blindness and keeping yourself hydrated when left in a visible spot. I keep mine on my desk. Also comes in a larger size, but I like the 32 oz size for carrying in my bag.
  • quip: A motorized toothbrush that times out two minutes for you, with buzzes to remind you to switch quadrants. If you get the "Smart" version, you can connect your brush to the phone app to set up reminders and also earn points for brushing.
  • Pill Case: A case with the days of the week labeled to hold your daily medicine. There are versions with morning & evening compartments for different routines. Helpful for the times when you can't remember whether you took your meds or not. If the case for the day empty? Good job, you took your meds.